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Social Nanny is a small social media marketing company founded in 2020 during the global pandemic and Coronavirus lockdown. When I began working with them as a social media marketing intern in November 2020 I was tasked to manage the Instagrams of 4 different companies and create engaging and exciting content to increase their following and their consumer engagement. Each company had a set layout for their stories and different goals they wanted to reach through the use of appealing story content.
Dance Pointe Academy (DPA) are a small dancing school with classes held in Peebles & Pennicuik for children aged 2+. The aim of the marketing strategy was to encourage the pupils to stay active through lockdown by challenging them to perform different tricks and to get involved with the stories posted on Instagram. As there is a wide age range of children I tried to keep the content varied to suit all and often featured videos of the dancers. This helped to increase engagement as the dancers would get involved in the stories in the hopes of being featured. The DPA try to encourage a friendly and inclusive atmosphere, and so I focused on portraying this through the Instagram content.
Love Lips Aesthetics was a new client when I began my employment with Social Nanny and it was challenging to understand their true success in engagement as many of their followers were Bot accounts. However, I believed that the use of question boxes, polls and swipe up links would assist in the interpretation of follower numbers. By simply encouraging viewer response it was then easier to facilitate our following and create content aimed directly at them. By designing each story to explain the treatments and demonstrate the process, our engagement increased resulting in a rise of clients booking in for treatments.
As Ashleigh Aesthetics already had a loyal following, I aimed to create content that featured their clients as this often led to reposts and increased following. Aesthetic procedures often have a stigma around them and so I felt it was also important to highlight the process of the treatments to put new clients mind at ease. Adding question boxes and polls encourages followers to engage with the content and helps to build a relationship between brand and customer.
My aim when creating content for Jilly's Hair & Beauty was to promote their services provided in their Paisley salon as well as their Falkirk salon. When lockdown was lifted through December I used the story content to encourage our followers to book in for services in preparation for Christmas nights out and while it was possible, the salon diary filled up within 5 days. I also created content to showcase the work of the stylists, beauticians and nail techs working at Jilly's Hair & Beauty.
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