The Refugee Festival Football Tournament is a unique 7-aside tournament organised by the Scottish Unity Football League, to promote prejudice-free sport for 'New Scots and Scots born here alike", with players from as many as 50 nations taking part. When I first heard of this tournament it was to provide one charity team, Positive Action in Housing, with second-hand kit to compete in. However, after mentioning it to the RivalKit creative director, we decided we could offer them brand new and uniquely designed strips free of charge. One of the volunteers of this charity was so overwhelmed by our generosity that he encouraged other refugee charities to enter a team and found a sponsor to cover the cost of their strips, offering us the opportunity to design for six separate teams instead of one.
This was an absolutely amazing project to be a part of as a few of the players from the PAIH team were those stabbed in the Glasgow hotel attack in 2020, and so I am pleased that we could offer them a little bit of joy. Through managing and completing this project I learned so much about a variety of cultures and was so in awe of how strong and brave these young boys are.